
Fall 2024 Faculty Learning Community: Fostering equitable and inclusive classroom discussions

10 Sep 2024 13:00
Second Tuesdays, 1:00 – 2:30pm, September 10, 2024 – January 14, 2025 (in person)

Take part in a monthly interdisciplinary exchange where you can share with and learn from other instructors and the literature. At each meeting, we’ll discuss and practice strategies for fostering equitable and inclusive discussions that you can then apply in your own course.

Peer Assessment with FeedbackFruits

11 Sep 2024 12:00

Have you tried using peer assessment in your courses? Peer assessment can help students reflect on their work and learn to provide constructive feedback. This webinar will introduce you to key parameters for designing peer assessment activities and get you started with FeedbackFruits - a tool to manage peer assessment online.


PASL Q&A: The what, where, and how of pedagogical support

18 Sep 2024 12:00

It’s Fall 2024 and the new Policy on Assessment of Student Learning (PASL) is now in effect! Do you need help navigating the Policy or finding resources to facilitate changes you may still need to make to your assessment practices? Join us for a group Q&A session to steer you in the right direction and help get you PASL-ready for the coming year!

Promote community and learning with Mural

19 Sep 2024 12:00

Are you interested in promoting community and learning with digital workspaces? This interactive webinar introduces different types of Mural activities and when best to use them.




Developing meaningful assessment criteria

26 Sep 2024 13:00

Under PASL, instructors must include explicit criteria to describe the key elements of students’ learning. But did you know that having meaningful assessment criteria also allows you to see whether students are learning what you want them to?

Foster equitable and inclusive learning environments: Change one thing!

22 Oct 2024 13:00

Want to make your classroom a more equitable and inclusive learning environment, but unsure where to start? Take part to pick one strategy to implement in your course, consider possible implementation challenges, and identify resources to address them. You can also share with and learn from other participants while considering varied strategies, ideas for accountability, and ways to stay connected!Ìý


McGill University is on land which has served and continues to serve as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations. Teaching and Learning Services acknowledges and thanks the diverse Indigenous peoples whose footsteps mark this territory on which peoples of the world now gather. This land acknowledgement is shared as a starting point to provide context for further learning and action.

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